"Miss Diddi!" said Joseph, startled. "I wasn't expecting you today. I thought I told you that your manual wouldn't be finished until - "
"Joseph - " interrupted Miss Diddi.
"Please, call me Joey," he said, returning the interruption.
The petite mouse trembled slightly as she continued, squeaking barely above a whisper. "Joey, I'm not here about the manual. I'm here because...because something terrible has happened. And you're the only one who can help me!"
"GET OUT!" came a screech from the still playing Seinfeld episode. The ill-timed outburst was from a classic scene where Elaine shoves Jerry and after which hilarity ensues.
"Excuse me?" gasped Miss Diddi.
"Err - I said 'Please, have a seat'," an embarrassed Joey replied while shutting down his computer.