"YES! I am colourblind!" Miss Diddi admitted. She aggressively leaped onto Joey's feet and was now almost eye-to-eye with Lars. Her icy glare bore into Lars' snout as she expressed a confidence that had been hidden until then. "Look, Lars," she started, "maybe you vandalized my art and maybe you didn't. But if you did, I just want you to know one thing. You destroyed my dream - a dream that I've worked toward for years. It hasn't been easy being colourblind, let alone being a colourblind painter. But I love painting and I'm good at it. It takes a very sick person to vandalize artwork."

Lars was taken aback at Miss Diddi's outburst. His face was flushed and he stared at the ground in shame. Finally, he spoke in a hoarse voice. "Miss Diddi, I'm the one who vandalized your art." He sighed and continued. "You see...

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