When Joseph saw that Ted had entered, he delightedly leaped to his feet.
"Joey!", Ted said warmly. "I've just come to wish you luck and to give you a little courage booster." He winked and gestered to the rum & coke he brought in.
Joey smiled fondly at the kindly Chuckles Unlimited owner. "Ted, you know me too well," Joey said.
"Well, I'm just so glad that you've decided to make your debut tonight. I know how often you've come here on Open Yuks nights and enviously watched the performers. You're proving that you've got moxie, Joey." Ted glanced at the clock on the wall. "I better get going. I'm covering the bar tonight."
Immediately concerned, Joey asked, "What happened to Baab? Is she sick?"
"Oh, no...she...I...had to let her go. Break a leg, Joey!" mumbled Ted as he hurried back to the bar.